Self Employed Car Loans

Low Doc Car Loan Options

If you are self-employed, getting a car loan without payslips - often called low doc loans - for personal or business purposes is difficult - but we could help!

  • Car Finance Available up to $200,000
  • Low Doc Car Finance OK
  • ABN Car Finance Options
  • Self Employed Car Loans Available
  • Sole Traders & Contractor Loans
  • Vehicle Loans for Businesses or Contractors
  • Credit Problems? We Could Still Help!
  • Over 20 Years Financial Experience & Support

Did you know that home loans are also possible when self-employed? See our low doc home loans to learn more and apply.

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Can I get a self-employed car loan with bad credit?

Yes, it's possible to get a self-employed car loan even if you have bad credit. At Rapid Finance, we understand that life events can impact your credit score, and being self-employed presents its own set of financial challenges.

Here's how we could help:

  • Tailored Solutions: Every individual's financial situation is unique, especially when you're self-employed. We work closely with you to understand your specific circumstances and find a loan solution that fits your needs.

  • Specialist Lenders: We have access to a large lending panel, including specialist lenders who consider applications from those with bad credit or unconventional income sources - such as self-employment.

  • Credit Improvement: If your credit score is a concern, we offer services to help you understand and potentially improve your credit profile over time.

  • Transparent Process: While having bad credit might affect the terms or interest rates available to you, we ensure a transparent process, helping you understand every aspect of your loan.

However, it's important to be upfront about your credit history and provide all necessary documentation - even for low doc car loans. Being proactive can increase your chances of securing a car loan tailored to your situation.

Always remember, while getting a bad credit car loan can be a hurdle, it's not an insurmountable one. With the right guidance and a tailored approach, there are financing options available for self-employed individuals with diverse credit backgrounds.

Low Doc Car Loans

In the dynamic world of finance, not everyone fits the conventional standard when it comes to proving their income or creditworthiness. This is particularly true for self-employed individuals, sole traders, freelancers, or those with irregular income sources.

What are Low Doc Car Loans?

"Low Doc" is short for "low documentation". These loans are designed for people who might find it challenging to produce the typical range of documentation required by traditional lenders. This might include payslips, consistent tax returns, or other employment verifications.

The Self-Employed Income Stream

Being self-employed often means a fluctuating income, depending on business performance or contract work. While you might be earning enough to comfortably repay a car loan, you might not have the steady stream of payslips or a consistent employment record that lenders usually look for. Low doc car loans bridge this gap, offering a solution tailored to the financial profiles of self-employed individuals.

How Do They Work?

  1. Application: Much like any car loan, you'll start by applying. However, with low doc car loans, the list of required documents might be shorter or different, focusing on bank statements or business records, or other proof of reliability - such as your mortgage, if you have one.
  2. Assessment: Lenders will assess your ability to repay the loan. While there's less documentation involved, they still want to ensure that the loan is affordable for you.
  3. Approval & Terms: Once approved, you'll be presented with your loan terms. Given the perceived higher risk associated with low documentation, sometimes these loans might have slightly higher interest rates.

Why Choose Rapid Finance?

At Rapid Finance, we've been helping Australians navigate their financial journeys for over 20 years. Our expertise lies in understanding unique financial situations, such as those of the self-employed. We believe everyone deserves a fair chance at securing finance, no matter their employment status or the documents they have on hand.

Ready to take the next step? To check out your options and discover how we can assist you, simply complete the short "Free Financial Assessment" form at the top of this page. Let's make your car ownership dreams a reality!

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Self Employed Car Loan FAQs