Loan Calculators

Calculators for Everything!

From loan repayments, budgeting to tax calculators

When it comes to financing, planning ahead and transparency is everything. How much can I borrow? What will my repayments be? We have calculators for all your concerns, so you can plan ahead and keep on top of your finances.

Income and Budgeting Calculators

Working on a budget? Use this budget calculator to work out how much you could borrow, save and plan for. It's fast, free and easy to use.

Getting a great loan starts here

Whether you’re after a new house or a new car, your journey for finance starts here. Using our online loan calculators, you can adjust loan amounts, repayment periods and interest rates to discover what kind of loan is the right fit for you.

These tools are a great starting point for anyone – for personal loans and from those thinking about vehicle finance, to those looking to buy a new home. 

Ready to take the next step? View our full range of home loans, car finance or personal loans

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